Anoka County Highway System ADA Transition Plan
The Anoka County Highway Department is required, under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and 28 CFR 35.105, to perform a self-evaluation of its current transportation infrastructure policies, practices, and programs. This self-evaluation will identify what policies and practices impact accessibility and examine how the County implements these policies.
The goal of the self-evaluation is to verify that, in implementing the County’s policies and practices, the County’s highway department is providing accessibility and not adversely affecting the full participation of individuals with disabilities.
The self-evaluation also examines the condition of the County’s Pedestrian Circulation
Route/Pedestrian Access Route (PCR/PAR) and identifies potential need for PCR/PAR
infrastructure improvements. This includes consideration of the curb ramps, traffic control
signals, and transit facilities that are located within the County rights of way. Any barriers to accessibility identified in the self-evaluation and the remedy to the identified barrier are set out in this transition plan.
The transition plan is available for download here: Anoka County Highway Department ADA Transition Plan (PDF, 21 MB)
What is an ADA Transition Plan?
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), enacted on July 26, 1990, is a civil rights law prohibiting discrimination against individuals on the basis of disability.
As a provider of public transportation services and programs, the Anoka County Highway Department must comply with this Act, and has developed a Transition Plan detailing how the County will ensure that all facilities are accessible to all individuals.
Anoka County must meet these general requirements for individuals with disabilities:
- Access to all public programs and places
- Modification of policies that deny equal access
- Effective communication procedures
- An ADA Coordinator that coordinates ADA compliance
- Public notice of ADA requirements
- Grievance procedure for resolution of complaints
The Highway Department’s goal is to provide ADA-accessible pedestrian design features as part of the County’s capital improvement projects (CIP). These standards and procedures will be kept up to date with nationwide and local best management practices.
Anoka County Highway Department ADA Improvement Plan
Anoka County roadway system ADA improvements are based on projects identified in the County capital improvement projects (CIP) listing and will be addressed using the following criteria:
- All new construction projects and County reconstruction projects with pedestrian facilities will be designed and constructed to conform with the most current ADA design practices to the extent feasible.
- ADA improvements on county rehabilitation or resurfacing projects will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
- ADA improvements requested by the public will be evaluated by County staff. Evaluation criteria will include pedestrian volumes, traffic volumes, condition of existing infrastructure and public safety.
Anoka County Highway Department Goals:
- After 5 years, items identified in the County Improvement Plan will be ADA-Compliant.
- After 20 years, 80 percent of accessibility features within the jurisdiction of the County will be ADA compliant.
Anoka County Highway Department ADA Coordinator
Anoka County has identified an ADA Title II Coordinator to oversee County Highway Department policies and procedures:
Jack Forslund
Anoka County Transportation Division
1440 Bunker Lake Boulevard, NW
Andover, MN 55304
Phone: 763-324-3179
Fax: 763-324-3020
Email: Use form below